Environmental influences - External factors - Economic factors

4 important questions on Environmental influences - External factors - Economic factors

Which economic factors play an important role in the success of organisations?

  • Growth in national income
  • Income distribution
  • International economic developments

What are examples of key influencing factors on the competitive position of Dutch enterprises?

  • Economic growth in other countries
  • Currency fluctuations
  • Developments in interest rates
  • Developments in foreign wage levels

What are two important tasks of the WTO?

  1. Further integrating developing countries - especially the ELDCs (Economically Least Developed Countries) - in world trade and in the work of the WTO.
  2. Look at the relationship between trade and important themes like environment, food safety and working conditions.
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Who sees Raworth as the biggest threat to companies looking to integrate the donut model into their business model?

Shareholders. Listed companies depend on their shareholders, who strive for short-term financial gain. A long-term vision is of great importance when it comes to enabling a mentality shift. Politicians, in particular, find the doughnut model to be appealing: inclusive growth, sustainable growth, and resilient growth in order to enable economic progression - a new vision of the definition of wealth.

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