Strategic management - The classical approach to strategic management - Situational analysis

13 important questions on Strategic management - The classical approach to strategic management - Situational analysis

What is a vision?

Vision = mission + principles. A vision is a general idea or representation of the future of the organisation and usually consists of a mission statement and principles.

The 7-S model consists of seven management factors that are independent, of equal importance, and closely connected. What are the seven management factors?

  1. Structure
  2. Systems
  3. Managerial style
  4. Staff
  5. Key skills
  6. Strategies
  7. Shared values

What is managerial style?

The characteristic behavioral patterns of the top managers of the enterprise. Management style exerts a big influence on the culture of an organisation
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How can a vision affect operational management?

  • By motivating employees
  • By focusing the attention of employees on relevant activities
  • By creating a framework that shows employees how tasks should be done and how these tasks fit into the bigger picture

Principles relate to the norms and values of the organisation and can be compared to societal norms and values. What could be aspects of an organisation's principles?

  • Quality first
  • Customer first
  • Reliability and honesty
  • Employees are reliable and honest
  • Employees are the organization's strength
  • Focussing personal self awareness
  • Contributing to society

What are organisational goals?

The goals show the relationship between the organisation, the environment, and the employees. Naturally, their contents are influenced by the organization's stakeholders.

To what subjects relate organisational goals often?

  • Balance of interests
  • Profitability
  • Quality
  • Effectivity and efficiency
  • Image
  • Code of conduct

What is an internal audit (management audit)?

An investigation that focusses on the internal organisation. Its goal is to look at all internal activities and to identify the strong and weak sides of the organisation.

In which ways can an investigation into strengths and weaknesses be carried out?

  • Based on functions
  • Based on results

What is an internal investigation by functional areas?

An investigation based on functional areas identifies a number of activities of a similar nature: research and development, purchasing, sales etc. During an internal audit of these functional areas, performance and productivity are measured. These assets are scored either strong, neutral or weak. The information necessary for the assessment can be obtained through internal research, market research, or customer research.

What is a partial or singular approach? What are the risks and advantages?

Describes a situation where an internal audit only investigates a limited number of functional areas within an organisation. The risk in this approach is that the analyses areas, combined with an incorrect or incomplete definition of the problem, may lead to an incorrect overall impression and subsequent wrong decision-making. The advantage of investigating only a limited number of areas is in saving time.

What is an integral approach?

Using the integral approach, all functional areas are investigated, and there results subsequently related, thus providing a complete picture of the organisation.

What is an internal audit based on results?

Here, the focus is on the financial attractiveness of the various business activities. Profitability (current and potential) and the strategic perspective are both important in this approach.

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