Environmental influences - Stakeholders

8 important questions on Environmental influences - Stakeholders

How does an organisation gains it right to exist?

By the ability to satisfy the demand of the buyers. Consumer demands often change and organizations must take these changes into account when determining the composition and features of their product range.

What happens if an organisation pays insufficient attention to changing consumer needs?

The existing available products may become less popular and, consequently, the organisation may lose customers.

In the past, there was a preference for local suppliers, but now the recurring trend is for businesses to search for suppliers across national borders. Why is that?

Buyers want to reduce their stock held, and demand 'just-in-time' delivery from their suppliers.
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Why is an organisation dependent on finance?

To maintain its activities, expand operations and sometimes even remain in its existing form

Who represent major financiers in large enterprises?

Supervisory bodies, such as the Board of Commissioners

Who can be seen as a critical success factor of an organisation?

Employees of an organisation are its most important assets and can be seen as a critical success factor

What are special interest groups?

are groups of stakeholders that includes those bodies that focus on the interests of a particular group of people. Many such groups exist, and include employee and employer federations, consumer organisations, organisations involved in corporate social responsibility, environmental activists, and other organisations targeting specific subjects.

Who is implementing the government policy?

The implementation of government policy is performed by government authorities. These authorities influence organisations through the application of legislation to the organisational field.

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