Organizational change and development

10 important questions on Organizational change and development

There are 4 reasons for the organization to change (change management). Name these 4 reasons.

  • Economic reality
  • Societal demands
  • Innovative leadership
  • Competition action

Greiner's growth model is a process of fice phases, related to the ongoing developments. Each phase is characterized by a certain management style. Typica for the phase the organization finds itself. Name the 5 phases.

  • Leadership crisis
  • Autonomy crisis
  • Control crisis
  • Red tape crisis
  • Growth crisis

What happens if a phase is near its end in fe grainer model

Than the organization is confronted with a crisis situation
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On what depends the development process rather than on serving changes to the external environment in grainers model

On conquering internal crisis situation

What are the 7 phases of organisational development in the grainer model

1. Growth through creativity
2. Growth through control
3. Growth through delegation
4. Growth through coordination
5. Growth through cooperation
6. Growth through deregulation
7. Growth through integrating personnel and environment

What are the revolution phases in grainers model

1. Leadership crisis
2. Autonomy crisis
3. Control crisis
4. Red tape crisis
5. Growth crisis
6. Identity/ identification crisis

What does the unfreezing phase in lewis model say

It prepares employees to imminent changes.
The acceptance of change is influenced positively if the people facing that change are involved in the process form early on 

What does the 2 phase say in lewis model

When employees accept the changes it can be put into effect.
Employees can have trainings and education to learn for the new situation

What does the 3 phase in lewins model say

Freezing. After implementing the new norm, they are looked into place. It requires attention that employees don't fall back to their old habits

What does lewis propos

That there need to be a planned approach to implementing change. And that the top level should lead the implementation in the form of an project or operation.

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