Leadership and management - leadership in theory and practice

19 important questions on Leadership and management - leadership in theory and practice

What is the aim of leadership

To help direct an organisation in realising its goals

Waht is an important feature of leadership

The ability to influence the behaviour of employees

Decision making power is necessay fo an organisation to reach its goals. There are two relevant models which ones

The harmony model and the faction model
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What is the harmony model

Members and divisions have the same kind of interests. There is a balance of power, consequently, and the manager does not need to coordinate his staff

What are the three basic levels of power

1. Equal vs equal
2. High vs low
3. High vs medium vs low

What are the 5 leadership roles

1. Leadership and mission: the leader as a signifier of meaning
2. Strategic leadership: the leader as a strategist
3. Organisational leadership: the leader as an organizer
4. Interpersonal leadership: the leader as coach
5. Leadership and coach: the leader as a role model

What is the difference between the leadership styles

Authoritarian leadership: the leader gives orders to employees concerning their work and behaviour. The leader takes all the decisions himself, and he is strongly focused on results

Democratic leadership: group participation is the normal procedure. The leader coordinates the group decision-making process.

Participatory leadership: leader remains coordinates for the manner in which the task of their department re carried out. Final decision made by the leader after a consultation process with the employees

X and Y theory of Douglas mcgregor shows what

Identifies two opposite viewpoints within the human mentality

What shows the x theory of doulas mcgregor

It assumes that a human being is
1. Lazy and dislikes work
2. Can and does not want to think
3. Has to be forced to do the task and thinks only about money
4. Prefers to be in bed instead of taking responsibility

What does the y theory of Douglas mcgregor show

It assumes that a human being is:
1. Has eagerness to work and considers it normal
2. Is inventive, creative and has imagination
3. Achieves a lot if development is made money is not important
4. Accepts responsibility

What 3 dimensions has the Reddin's model

1. Attention to people
2. Attention to production or task
3. Effectivness

What means task maturity

The ability to carry out a certain task and the willingness to take on that task together with its corresponding level responsibility

What are the four levels of task maturity

Unable and unwilling insecure (M1)

Unable and willing motivated ( M2)
able and unwilling insecure (M3)
able and willing motivated (M4)

Matching leadership style with task maturity

M4: Delegating: Delegates responsibility for decision and execution 
M3: Participating: suggest ideas and stimulates decision making
M2: Selling: explains decisions and gives opportunity to ask questions
M1: Telling: gives specific instructions and strictly supervises the performance

When does an organisation need an transformational leader

If organisations content big changes in a short amount of time

What is the horizontal management style

Acoompanied by adding levels of compentency to lower organisational levels, taking over repsonibility for the formation and results of business units

Pyramid of needs for leader and employee

Leader: Labour, Discipline, Loyalty, responsibility, Creativity

Employee: Maslow

What is agile leadership

It is based on trust, offers greater room fo individual employers and teams, encorages their employees to grow and to be all that they can. Leadership is still required

What is the vision of an agile leader

To inspire and motivat and not to command

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