How can we explain/understand health behavior?

10 important questions on How can we explain/understand health behavior?

What is Reasoned Action Approach (Fishbein & Azjen, 2010)?

Zie model

What are the theories focussing on Preparing for action & starting to change?

• Self-Determination Theory
• Health Action Process Approach

What is the Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2000)?

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What is the Reflective Impulsive Model Strack & Deutsch (2004)?

• “Both systems operate in parallel. However, there is an asymmetry such that the impulsive system is always engaged in processing whereas the reflective system may be disengaged”

• “The reflective system requires a high amount of cognitive capacity.”

• “Conflicts may arise if behavioral schemata are activated that are incompatible and inhibit one another […] The resolution of the conflict depends on the strength of the activation for each schema”

What are the two systems of Reflective Impulsive Model?

Reflective system:
Explicit, controlled, concscious, reasoned
> Knowledge, facts, values
> intentions

Impulsive system:
Implicit, uncontrolled, unconscious, automatic, associative
> habits
> impulses

What influences the conflicts between the impulsive and reflective system?

• Cognitive Capacity/ working memory
• Self-control
• Impulsivity
• Alcohol
• Emotions
• Habit Strength

How do habits develop?

• = Mental association between cue and goaldirected response.
• Develops when repeatedly performing a specific behavior in a stable situation.

Example: Eating crisps (behavior) when watching TV (cue)
After repeatedly choosing crisps: Activation of ‘crisps’ occurs automatically when turning on the TV, without the involvement of conscious intentions.

What is positive about habits?

No intention or planning required =
•Efficient: I can use my attention + resources for other things
•Easy: I Don’t have to think about it or make difficult decisions

What is negative about habits?

• Automatic activation
>> difficult to change

• Despite having strong intentions!

• Even if intentions change >> no effect on the strength + automatic nature of the cue-response association

e.g., Meta-analysis of intention-behavior relation (Webb & Sheeran,2006). No habits: large effect of intentions (d = .74) Strong habits: weak effect of intentions (d = .22)

What is the COM-B Model?


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