Experience in health I
7 important questions on Experience in health I
What allows for a greater acceptance of the sick role by the patient? (health professional: 4 - patient: 3)
- be technically competent
- be neutral, objective, disinterested
- it must be the independent and self-regulated
- you can access private data/body
- should seek competent technical support/assistence/help
- medical excuse
- will to recover
What is the paradox in health experience?
Wha are social factors that explain why people don't go to the docter but self-medicate? (8)
- need to continue working
- culture
- frequency and familiarity of symptoms
- interruption of activities
- existence of treatments
- impact on family
- capital
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What are the levels of medicalization? (3)
- institutional: organizations adopt a medical approach to dealing with a problem
- patient-professional: language, problem definition
What are the phases of medicalization? (4)
2. It appears in a medical journal
3. Legitimates the need to do something about it
4. Institutionalizes (ICD portfolio services)
What are characteristics of medicalisation? (4)
- degrees in medicalisation (100% birth, less in internet or shopping addiction)
- expands and contracts (post traumatic disorders, ADHD)
- de-medicalisation (masturbation, homosexuality)
In what ways is medicalization an opportunity? (3)
- extends sick role (reduce guilt, responsibility)
- inclusion and equity, stigma
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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