Social capital and health

10 important questions on Social capital and health

What is the "Roseto effect"?

Roseto is a small town in Pennsylvania. A research conducted in that town showed that the personal and social community of the town was the reason for a much lower heart attack rate in the town compared to neighbouring towns.

What becomes clear from the Kobe earthquake in Japan?

What makes a huge difference in human toll turned out to be not just the physical dimensions of the disaster, but also the human and social dimension

What are bonding social capitals?

The close relationships between similar people. Such as family, friends. The informal realm
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What is "briding social capital"?

- Establishing relationships of respect and mutuality between people who are not personally close
- people who are at similar hierarchical  levels: helps to get people ahead
- the civic realm, connections with different groups or communities

What is "linking social capital"?

- It is like briding but these relationships are with people across different hierarchical levels and power (vertical ties)
- the institutional realm: helps people to gain resources to bring about broader change

In what ways can social capital protect health? (7)

- exerting influence on macro-level health policies and micro-level access to health services and resources (e.g. Lobbying)
- providing diverse forms of social support (informational, emotional and material)
- acting as social credentials in accessing health resources
- encouraging engagement in healthy norms and behaviours
- decreasing exposure to social stressors
- advancing objective and subjective social status
- reinforcing psychological resources

What are 2 ways through which country and state (=macro level) influence health?

- informal control and normalization: of health-related behaviours, according to shared values of what is acceptable and desirable, thanks to which community members are able to maintain or achieve the desired goals
- enhanced collective efficacy and increased civic engagement: in front of significant health-related issues, fruit of a cohesive community that is willing to intervene for common goods because of the mutual trust and solidarity among neighbours

What are 4 ways through which neighbourhoods and communities (=meso level) influence health?

- the diffusion of information on health-related questions
- the maintenance of health-related norms through informal control
- the promotion of access to local services and amenities
- the psychosocial process that provide mutual support

What are 3 ways through which ego-centered measures (=individual level) influence health?

- the provsion of social support (both perceived and actual), in the form of emotional but also instrumental, appraisal and informational support
- social influence through shares norms or social control. Here face-to-face contact is not a requirement for social influence to occur. People obtain normative guidance by comparing themselves' to others within the same group
- social engagement and social participation, which result from the representation of the potential roles in real life. Being a parent, a friend, worker etc. Provides the individual with different resources and opportunities

What are the dark sides of social capital? (5)

- the stressful cost of maintaining social networks where social capital is embedded
- exclusion of outsiders
- excessive claims made on group members
- negative externality on the rest of society (mafia)
- restriction on freedom (informal social control helps to keep down deviance and antisocial behaviour, but overcontrolling and intolerant of diversity is a risk)

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