Management of healthcare organizations

13 important questions on Management of healthcare organizations

What are the 10 schools of strategy?

Design, planning, positioning, entrepreneurial, cognitive, learning, political, cultural, environmental, configuration

How is strategy as a plan?

> specify future choices
> made in advance of action
> calculated towards achieving objectives
> conscious and purposeful

How is strategy as a pattern?

> without preconception
> driven by actions; not design
> consistency in behavior
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How is strategy as a position?

> a match between organization and context
> a unique place in the environment: a niche
> beat competition or avoid direct competition

How is strategy as a perspective?

> collective concept
> a world view
> intensely shared
> character of an organization

What are the benefits of strategic management?

- Ties the organization together with a common sense of purpose and shared values
- Can often help improve organization’s financial performance
- Provides the organization with a clear self-concept, specific goals, and guidance as well as consistency in decision making
- Helps managers understand the present, think about the future, and recognize the signals that suggest change
- Requires managers to communicate both vertically and horizontally
- Improves overall coordination within the organization
- Encourages innovation and change within the organization to meet the needs of dynamic situations

What is deliberatie strategizing?

> ability of actions intentionally; thinking before acting

What is strategy emergence?

> ability of thinking and acting at the same time and letting strategy emerge

What is the vision statement?

  • Statement about what the organization wants to become
  • Should resonate with all members of the organization and help them feel proud, excited, and part of something much bigger than themselves
  • Should stretch the organization’s capabilities & image of itself
  • Gives shape and direction to the organisation’s future
  • Length from a couple of words to several pages
  • People tend to remember the shorter organizational vision

What is the values statement?

■ Values are traits or qualities – establish priorities: what is most important to you and to your organization?
■ Value statements define how people want to behave
■ Value statements describe actions: where you spend your time and what you do

Where does strategy and strategic management exist of?

> dimensions, content, process, context, foundations of the field, benefits

Where does strategy formation consist of?

Deliberate & emergent

Where does organizational purpose consist of?

Missioning, visioning, values

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