Health-care professional behaviour
8 important questions on Health-care professional behaviour
(Enhancing) evidence-based health care
Trends in research: randomised controlled trials (RCT)
Trends in research: systematic reviews
- systematic review: present a balanced summary of the existing research, enabling decisions on effectiveness to be based on all relevant studies of adequate quality
- Or: A complete, unbiased collection of all the original studies of acceptable quality that examine the same therapeutic question
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Trends in research: meta-analysis
- a statistical analysis (!) which combines the results of 2 or more independent studies (trials or observational studies) considered by the analyst to be 'combinable'
- weighs the size of different studies included
- more power to detect small, but significant effects
- more precise estimate of size of effect
- fundamentally limited by the quality of the underlying studies (the so-called GIGO principle of 'garbage in, garbage out')
Systematic reviews of interventions
- however, often trials do not exactly describe the content of the intervention
- for example, what can an intervention of 'clinical eduction' mean?- a review of behaviour change interventions resulted in modest improvements in care. BUT, considerable variation in effects
Development of a theoretical framwork of HCP behaviour change
- often other labels for 'behaviour':
* knowledge transfer
* implementation research
* quality of care research
* guideline adherence...
ROGY Care trial
- (RCT) will be conducted, in which 12 hospitals will be randomised to either 'usual care' or 'SCP care'.
Changing HCP behaviour?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding