Summary: Het Zenuwstelsel

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  • 1 Het zenuwstelsel

  • 1.1 Neuronale communicatie

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  • Neuron: dendritic spine

    Transmitter detection
  • Neuron: terminal brances of axons

    Form junctions with other cells
  • 5 classes neurons characteristics

    Nr of neurites: uni-,bi-,multipolar
    Shape dendrites: pyramidal, stellate, purkinje cells
    Length of axon: projection/interneurons
    Function: afferent/efferent neurons
    Transmitter secretion: glutamergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic
  • Humain brain contains ... Neurons

    3-5 billion
    1.6x10^11 in cerebral cortex 
    10^11 in cerebellum
  • Intracellular recording in a neuron

    Intracellular recording is an electrophysiology technique that inserts a glass microelectrode into a single cell (usually a neuron) to precisely measure its electrical activity (voltages across or currents passing through the cellular membranes). It can allow the recordings of slower graded voltages (receptor potentials or synaptic potentials), which would be vital in studies involving neural signalling.
  • What causes a neuron to be depolarized or hyperpolarized?

    injection of hyperpolarizing (outward) or depolarizing (inward) current
    application of chemical stimulus
    In the brain:
    synaptic inputs from other neurons (neurotransmitters)  
    -input sensory organs
  • VGICs and delta- and meta-conotoxins (CTX)

    Sodium channel blockers
  • VGICs and Saxitoxin (STX)

    Sodium channel blockers
  • VGICS and tetrodotoxin (TTX)

    Sodium channel blockers
  • Pharmacolocy and VGICs: Potassium channel activators

    Antihypertensives (diazoxide)

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