Alexander II and the emancipation of the serfs 1855-81 - Was there a tsarist reaction in the later years of Alexander II's rule?

5 important questions on Alexander II and the emancipation of the serfs 1855-81 - Was there a tsarist reaction in the later years of Alexander II's rule?

What is a historiographical viewpoint that Alexander II was neither revolutionary or reactionary?

"There is no hard centre to the reign. There was no discernible pattern. In the end everything turned sour." - Edward Crankshaw

This means that Alexander II's reforms were balanced out by reaction, and at the end he didn't achieve anything.

What quote introduces the idea that Alexander II's reforms were a humanitarian success?

"With the possible exception of Khrushchev [Soviet Leader 1953-64], no other Russian ruler did so much to reduce the suffering of the Russian people." - John Westwood

What is a counter-argument to John Westwood's view that demonstrates that there were still many social problems in Russia after and during Alexander II's rule?

Alexander still left an empire that was politically, economically and socially backward compared with the rest of Europe.

For example:
  1. In 1881 - 80% of Russians still could not read or write
  2. Peasants regularly died of starvation

In this line of thought none of Alexander's reforms could be judged to be perfect successes. Moreover, his reforms helped the growth of a revolutionary opposition and violence; finally ending in his assassination (doesn't this demonstrate that if Alexander wanted to maintain Autocracy he failed?!)
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What early reforms of Alexander II imply that he will be a reformatory ruler?

  1. Dismissed unpopular Alexander Bibikov (minster for internal affairs) and Count Peter Kleinmichel (director of roads and public buildings)
  2. Catholic Church in Poland was given greater freedom
  3. Permitted less censorship in Russian universities
  4. September 1856: Alexander's coronation came in conjunction with release of political prisoners; eg. prisoners locked up for the 'Decembrist' plot to kill his father in December 1825
  5. Cancelled Tax arrears for 3 years
  6. Cancelled army recruitment for 3 years
  7. Eased foreign travel restrictions

What quote summarizes the idea that retaining Tsarist Autocracy was a key aim for Alexander II?

Grand-Duchess Elena Pavlovna (aunt) described him as, "he is jealous of his power" meaning that he wants to keep hold of the Tsarist autocratic power

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