Military - Political Stability - Failure

3 important questions on Military - Political Stability - Failure

What is an example of continuing peasant unrest following the emancipation edict?

In the 4 months after edict there were 647 incidents of rioting and army had to be called upon to restore order

What is the most notorious example of peasant unrest following the Emancipation Edict?

April 1861: Bezdna Massacre
  • Army open fired on peasants protecting Anton Petrov - a peasant who had declared a messenger from the Tsar granting greater peasant freedoms was coming.
  • Nearly 500 peasants were killed
  • Petrov was executed

Why was the Emancipation Edict not successful in winning Landowner support?

  1. Prior to the Emancipation Edict 50% of landowners had already mortgaged some of their land to banks
  2. This meant landowners used much of their compensation money to apy off existing debts
  3. Eg. 1905 nobles had sold 30% of their land held in 1861; 50% remaining land was mortgaged
  4. This left the Landowners worse off than before and increased resentment towards the Tsarist government

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