Emancipation of the Surfs - Military - Economic

3 important questions on Emancipation of the Surfs - Military - Economic

In what way could the Emancipation Edict could be seen as a success in terms of industry?

Russian industry, cities, banks and infrastructure expanded in the wake of the Edict of Emancipation.

What is an example of the Emancipation Edict being a success in improving agricultural production?

Ukraine and the East:
Grain production increased because of the Emancipation Edict and transport improvements. Therefore, Grain Exports increased sharply:
  1. 1861-65: 31% of exports
  2. 1891-95: 47% of exports

What aspects of the Emancipation Edict meant that it was a failure in terms of agricultural production?

  1. Average holding of 9 acres was too small to farm at a profit
  2. Land could be taken away and reallocated by the Mir - this meant that Peasants weren't particularly more motivated to farm than when they were Serfs
  3. Therefore by 1978: only 50% of peasants could produce a surplus to sell

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