Alexander II and the emancipation of the serfs 1855-81 - Military Reforms - Methods

5 important questions on Alexander II and the emancipation of the serfs 1855-81 - Military Reforms - Methods

What are examples of humanitarian reforms within the Russian army?

  1. Corporal punishment was abolished, for example flogging and 'running the gauntlet (running though a tunnel of soldiers armed with wooden clubs and whips)
  2. courts could no longer punish convicts with army sentences
  3. army court procedure was reformed

What were the reductions in conscription time in the Russian army?

  1. Originally length of military service was shortened from 25 years to 16 years
  2. 1868: Milyutin reduced service time again: 10 years and 5 years in reserves

How did Milyutin improve organisation within the Russian army?

  1. Created post of 'chief of staff'
  2. established 15 military districts
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How did Milyutin improve military training and discipline?

  1. Set up military cadet schools; with specialist schools fro military, infantry and cavalry
  2. Organised colleges to train officers; which accepted non-nobles

What did Milyutin lobby for in terms of industrial military equptment?

  1. provision for modern rifles
  2. iron clad steam-driven battleships
  3. strategic railways to improve transport of troops and supplies

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