Military Reforms - Failure

4 important questions on Military Reforms - Failure

What were the negative effects of educational recruitment policies?

  1. Brightest and best served for the shortest amount of time in the military
  2. still substantial amounts of illiterate peasant recruits; and their illiteracy reduced the effectiveness of some military training

What were some examples of failure in trying to create a more egalitarian army?

  1. Better-off individuals could still dodge recruitment through substitutes
  2. Educational policies favoured the aristocratic families who could afford to educate their children
  3. officer class remained largely aristocratic; retained old-fashioned values like holding bayonets in higher esteem than more effective rifles because rifles (with their long range) were perceived to be cowardly weapons

What were some of the limitations to Russian military success in terms of modernised equipment?

Russia didn't keep pace with the West in terms of production of rifles, machine guns, artillery, ships, naval equipment or ammunition
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What military failing demonstrate that Russia's military hadn't reformed enough?

1904-5: defeat at Russo-Japanese War
1914-1918: Disastrous affects of Russian Military effort against Germany

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