Emancipation of the Surfs - Aims - Military

4 important questions on Emancipation of the Surfs - Aims - Military

What is an example of peasant discontent having an effect on the military strength of Russia?

When Nicholas I tried to recruit peasant troops to fight the Crimean War, peasant unrest increased so much that the army had to be brought in to reinstate calm

What had the Crimean War demonstrated to Alexander II in terms of Russia's military strength?

Russia's forces had to be re-organised and the Russian military system modernised

What military changes did reformers like Dmitri Milyutin want to make but couldn't because of the serfs?

  1. Empire should have a smaller peacetime army (other one was unaffordable and unsustainable)
  2. a 25 year conscript system was costly and inefficient and instead conscripts should spend less time on active service; shorter time for military training and the a longer time in 'reserves'
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What are two arguments for the emancipation of the serfs in terms of shortening conscription time?

  1. Whilst serfs weren't emancipated demoblising soldiers earlier was impossible because fear of trained soldiers leading peasant rebellions meant they couldn't return to their communes
  2. Moreover, practically as customarily serfs were freed after military service; and if this was to be continued with relatively short periods of service serfdom would end in just two to three generations; so it would be better to tackle the issue of serfdom from above rather than let it slowly crumble from below.

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