Conditions Alexander II inherited - Inherited Difficulties - Tradition of autocracy

4 important questions on Conditions Alexander II inherited - Inherited Difficulties - Tradition of autocracy

What repressive force did Nicholas I introduce in 1826?

re-established the secret police (or Third Section)

What was the state of liberalism prior to Alexander II's rule?

  1. Minorites repressed
  2. censorship enforced
  3. no freedom to travel abroad
  4. any hint of rebellion was crushed

Under Nicholas I what did the 'Imperial Majesty's Private Chancery' perform?

  1. limitation of any reporting of events i Western Europe
  2. banned criticism of social conditions in Russia
  3. control of dangerous literature
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Under Nicholas I what did the 'Third Section of the Chancery' perform?

Surveillance and control:
  1. shadowed 2000 persons during Nicholas I's reign
  2. dealt with around 15,000 'security cases' annually

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