Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution? - Concessions: October Manifesto - Divided Opposition

4 important questions on Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution? - Concessions: October Manifesto - Divided Opposition

Why did the October Manifesto split opposition to the Tsar?

The October Manifesto split the radicals and the moderates:
  • Moderates embraced the announcement
  • Radicals (bolstered by their successes) continued to demand an end to Tsarism

How did the radical parties in Russia respond to the October Manifesto?

  1. St. Petersburg Soviet encouraged continued pressure and to continue the general strike
  2. Countryside disorder continued and peaked in November and December
  3. Army mutinies also escalated in November and December
  4. Tsarist government lost control of the urban garrisons including the Moscow garrison

How did the moderates respond to the October Manifesto?

  1. October: More radical liberals formed the Constitutional Democratic Party (or Kadets) under Miyukov and Petrunkevich
  2. December: Moderate liberals formed the Union of October 17th (Octobrist Party) under Alexander Guchkov
  3. Both parties signalled to the Tsar they would be willing to work within the provisions of the Tsar's October Manifesto (although the Kadets still hoped for future reform)
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What was the impact of moderate support on Tsarist reaction to radicals?

Moderate support gave the Tsar the confidence he needed to act against the radical parties (see ARMY section)

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