Military - Humantiarian - Failure

5 important questions on Military - Humantiarian - Failure

What are two examples of the price of the land sold to the peasants in making the Emancipation Edict a failure in humanitarian terms?

  1. In less fertile areas where previously the peasants had given part of their earnings from non-agricultural occupations land was valued at 90% higher than its market value; supposedly to take these extra payments into account
  2. Even in the fertile south, prices were often inflated by up to 20%

In what ways did the Emancipation Edict not liberate the peasants?

  • Landlords charged so much for the land given to the peasants so that the peasants had to continue working for them to pay off their debts
  • Moreover, some peasants had to pay the landowners with crops or continue to pay rent, in exchange for land to farm
  • As a result around 15% of peasants were still 'temporarily obligated' until 1881, when redemption was finally made compulsory

What were some of the lost benefits that were taken away from the peasants because of redemption payments?

Peasants lost the use of:
  1. common land
  2. pastureland
  3. woods (where firewood was traditionally gathered)
  4. moreover many lost the landlords' protection
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What were the problems of the land allocation according to the Emancipation Edict which meant that peasants' lives were worse off?

  1. Peasants generally lost 20% of their former land
  2. In fertile areas like Ukraine peasants lost even more land, more like 30%

Why was the Emancipation Edict a failure for domestic serfs in terms of improving their quality of life?

Domestic Serfs received no land. Therefore, Emancipation merely turned these people into migrant labourers who were without land and dependent on wages. Generally their lives became more difficult as they had no social security.

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