The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Countryside: Land Problems

10 important questions on The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Countryside: Land Problems

What percentage of the population did the peasants make up in the early 1900s in Russia?


How had the Russian Population grown between 1800 and 1900?

1800: 48 million

1900: 125 million

How much more did British farmers produce in comparison to Russian for the same amount of land due to better farming practises?

Four times as much
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Why was Russian agricultural farming methods so backwards?

Old peasants controlled decisions in the Mir and they resisted change; Russian peasants didn't have:
  1. new machines
  2. new breeds of livestock
  3. fertilisers
  4. many had to use inefficient 'strip-farming' methods due to the Emancipation Edict

When was there a famine in Russia leading to the 1905 revolution?


What statistic shows disparity in landownership between the nobles and the peasants in Russia?

Wealthy nobles who make up 1% of the Russian Population own 25% of the land

Between when and when was there a series of poor harvests in Russia?


What was the impact of increasing peasant literacy on peasant disturbances in the countryside?

Increased Peasant literacy meant that revolutionary propaganda found more support in rural communities

What did the years 1903-4 become known as in Russia and why?

"The years of the Red Cockerel" because of the arsonists' red flames resembled a rooster's comb

How did the Tsar try to control the countryside in Russia?

  • the Tsar relied on local officials and the army
  • However, royal officials increasingly found that local voices of authority (in the zemstva and town dumas) took the side of the peasants with whom they worked in preference to the state

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