The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Towns: Growth and Unrest

8 important questions on The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Towns: Growth and Unrest

In comparison to Britain what percentage of the Russian population lived in towns and cities in the turn of the century?

  • Britain: 75%
  • Russia: 15%

What was the growth of the Russian economy before 1900?

  • 8% - highest in Europe
  • 40% of industries hadn't existed 10 years before

What is an example of the disrespect towards workers in factories in Russia?

Instead of using "vyi" which is 'you' for people; foremen used "tyi" which is the 'you' for Serfs
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What percentage of 3 million Russian workers moved and lived in cities permanently?

less than 50%; they returned for the Harvests; this meant they lived in huge accommodation blocks

How much had the permanent city population increased since 1860 to 1900?

Doubled; more and more workers were leaving villages for good

Why did Russia's annual growth rate fall from around 8% to just 1% per year after 1899?

  1. International monetary crisis made it harder for Russia to negotiate foreign loans
  2. Tax income in Russia declined

Who felt the slump in Russia's annual growth the most?

Urban Working Class

What are two examples which demonstrate unhappiness and frustration amongst the urban working class prior to the 1905 revolution?

  1. 1894: Although strikes were strictly illegal there were 17,000 stoppages
  2. 1904: 90,000 stoppages

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