Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Triggers to Revolution - Russo-Japanese War

7 important questions on Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Triggers to Revolution - Russo-Japanese War

What Chinese policies encouraged some Russian ministers to push for greater Russian expansion in the Far East?

  1. 1896: Russians could build a railway through northern Manchuria, from Vladivostok to Harbin
  2. 1898: gave Russia a 25-year lease on the Liaodong peninsula
  3. Russia gained right to build a further railway from Harbin to Port Arthur

What sparked the Russo-Japanese War 1904-5?

Russia's presence in the Liaodong peninsula as the Japanese regarded the peninsula as their 'sphere of influence'; and attacked Port Arthur 8 February 1904

What immediate disadvantages did Russia face in comparison to the Japanese?

  1. Had to direct a way 6000 miles from the Russian capital
  2. Moreover, Port Arthur was cut-off by the sea and the Russian pacific fleet was unable to sail out
  3. Therefore, all troops and supplies had to be sent along a single-track Trans-Siberian Railway which took 6 days
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What were other weaknesses of the Russian side in fighting the Russo-Japanese War?

  1. ministers' ignorance
  2. organisational confusion (meant ammunition was in short supply)
  3. rapid loss of morale amongst Russian troops in Port Arthur after a long siege

What are examples of Russian losses in the Russo-Japanese War 1904-5?

  1. February and August: Fleet attempted to break out of the harbour; but only succeeded in winning heavy losses
  2. December 1904: Port Arthur forced to surrender
  3. April: Russian armies defeated along Yalu River
  4. August 1904 and February 1905: Russian armies defeated a Mukden
  5. Spring 1905: Naval Battle of Tsushima: Russia lost 8 battleships, 4 cruisers, 4000 Russians killed and 7000 taken prisoner (Japanese lost just 3 torpedo boats) worst naval defeat in Russian history

What are two examples of defeats in the Russo-Japanese War 1904-5 contributing directly to political instability?

  1. July 1904: Plehve was assassinated by the SRs after defeats on Yalu River; in Plehve's hometown (Warsaw) crowds celebrated his death on the streets
  2. December 1904: loss of Port Arthur triggered a wave of demonstrations

What was the economic impact of the Russo-Japanese War?

  • increased prices
  • forced factory closures

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