Conditions Alexander II inherited - Specific Difficulties revealed by the Crimean War

4 important questions on Conditions Alexander II inherited - Specific Difficulties revealed by the Crimean War

How many were there in the Russian army in 1953?

1.5 million

What was the role of Serfdom in making the Russian army weak and inefficient?

  1. Serfs were conscripted into the army
  2. Only made to serve through fierce discipline
  3. Often had little idea what they were fighting for

What was the impact of forced Serf conscription on Peasant discontent?

Serfs could be selected to do military service for 25 years; meaning most of their adult life. They lived in military colonies; village commune run by the army, where whole families lived under military direction and men spent their days training as soldiers This caused much discontent; and also meant that conscription time couldn't be shortened.
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What are two examples of Peasant unrest before Alexander II's reign?

1825: at least 20 outbreaks of Serf violence
1848: 64 outbreaks of Serf Violence

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