Aims - Economic - Agricultural

3 important questions on Aims - Economic - Agricultural

What was the argument that old-fashioned industrial methods were holding back Russian industry?

Landowners didn't have the capital to invest into new industrial projects because they were just falling more and more into debt due to failure of the old-fashioned agricultural practises failed to produce a grain surplus for export

What demographic change in Russia made increased agricultural output even more necessary?

Russia's population had doubled in the first half of the 19th century therefore internal consumption of grain and other produce had also increased

What were two impacts on government income caused by slow agricultural output that the emancipation of the serfs aimed to remedy?

  1. 1859: 66% serfs had been morgaged as security against landowners loans from the state bank; this helped to contribute to government debt
  2. Moreover inability of peasants to produce enough crops meant that many serfs were unable to pay taxes. Eg. by 1855 in total surfs owed 54 million roubles in tax arrears

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