Emancipation of the Surfs - Aims - Political stability

3 important questions on Emancipation of the Surfs - Aims - Political stability

What is an example of peasant unrest in the years before the emancipation of the Serfs?

over 350 peasant revolts between 1844-54

What political choice by Alexander II made serf unrest even more extreme following the Crimean war?

Alexander didn't give the customary proclamation for freedom for those who had fought in the Crimean War; this led to further unrest

The longer ti took to make any real changes to the serfs living conditions the higher the tension in the country

What is an example of the rising fear of rebellion in Russia amongst the nobility?

1856; Leo Tolstoy, a young landowner

"If the serfs are not freed in six months...only one criminal hand is needed to fan the flames of rebellion and we shall all be consumed in the blaze'

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