The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Reformers

8 important questions on The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Reformers

When did middle-class men gain the vote in Britain?


What did the intelligentsia and the zemstva press for in terms of political reform?

  1. advisory state Duma
  2. 'reform from above'

What was the Union of Liberation?

Established in St. Petersburg in 1904:

Led by:
  • Ivan Petrunkevich
  • Pavel Milyukov
  • Pyotr Struve

They demanded:
  1. fairly elected National Legislative Assembly
  2. Autocracy to be replaced by a form of constitutional monarchy

They organised:
  • Winter 1904: 50 revolutionary banquets where speakers attacked the government and demanded constitutional change
  • November 1904: Zemstva congress presented a petition to the Tsar
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How did the Tsar Nicholas II respond to the Union of Liberation Petition of November 1904 demanding constitutional change?

No reform:
"I will never agree to the representative form of government because I consider it harmful to the people whom God has entrusted to me."

Who were the radical socialist parties in 1900?

  1. Social Revolutionaries -> appealed to Peasants' desire for land reform
  2. Social Democrats (later Mensheviks and Bolsheviks) -> promised power to the workers

When did the Social Democrats split?

1903: Social Democrats split into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks this weakened the party

What revolutionary methods did the Social Revolutionaries use in the lead-up to the 1905 revolution?

  1. Assassinated prominent officials: eg. February 1905: Grand-Duke Sergei (Tsar's uncle)
  2. July 1905: organised All-Russian Peasant Union

What revolutionary methods did the Social Democrats use in the lead-up to the 1905 revolution?

  1. Encouraged strikes and confrontations
  2. argued answer to Russia's problems lay in Marxism

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