Triggers to Revolution - Popular Discontent - Urban Workers

4 important questions on Triggers to Revolution - Popular Discontent - Urban Workers

In autumn 1905 how many workers were on strike?

2.5 million workers had laid down their tools

When and where was the first Soviet created?

May 1905: Ivanov (textile town)
  • First elected strike committee know as a Soviet was created

When did the first St. Petersburg Soviet meet and who led it?

  1. 14th October 1905
  2. Led by Leon Trotsky; he rapidly gained control over all other Soviets in the Russian Empire
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What did the October 1905 strike coordinated between The St. Petersburg and Moscow Soviets show?

The benefits of centralised Soviet Control in terms of:
  1. co-ordinating protests
  2. distributing arms to workers
  3. Demonstrated that it was possible to challenge the government through workers' uprisings

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