Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Triggers to Revolution - Sunday Bloody Sunday

6 important questions on Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Triggers to Revolution - Sunday Bloody Sunday

When was Bloody Sunday?

Sunday 9th January 1905

What did Father Georgi Gapon's marchers do as they moved towards the Tsar's winter palace?

  1. carried icons (holy images of the saints)
  2. carried portraits of the Tsar and tsaritsa
  3. sang patriotic hymns including 'God save the Tsar'

What was the police and Cossack reaction to the peaceful protest?

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What were Russian police estimates of the casualties of the 9th January 1905?

  • 130 killed
  • 450 wounded

Although these are probably gross underestimates

What was Nicholas II's reaction Bloody Sunday?

Usual indecisiveness:
  • 10 days later agreed to meet a delegation of workers; however only suggested they should have more patience
  • Royal couple donated 50,000 roubles to families of those who had died

What were the repercussions of Bloody Sunday for the Russian Empire?

  • 2 years of unrest involving workers, peasants, students, national minorities  and the military
  • boost to radical opposition, as Lenin wrote "Even those St. Petersburg workers who had believed in the tsar started to call for the immediate overthrow of the regime'

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