The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution?

6 important questions on The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution?

What is an example of the Army working with the Tsar to regain control of Russia?

  1. 3rd December: Troops sent to crush the St. Petersburg Soviet; stormed the building and arrested all 260 members present
  2. December: Bolshevik-led rising in Moscow suppressed by troops

How did the Tsar end the naval mutinies?

Concessions: Promised soldiers better conditions

What was the impact of the end of the Russo-Japanese war on the Tsar's ability to keep control?

early 1906: Returning tsarist troops from Manchuria meant the Tsar was in a stronger position to stop any opposition
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What did Nicholas II do to rid his regime of Opposition?

  1. Arrested all 260 members of the St. Petersburg Soviet
  2. Trotsky was exiled to Siberia (although he did escape to London)
  3. Lenin, who had been in exile since 1900, although he returned in November 1905 he was forced flee in 1906 by Tsarist repression

In what way did foreign aid help the Tsar to retain control of Russia?

French Loan of 2250 million francs helped to strengthen the Tsarist government

According to A.J. Halpern what were the similarities between the 1905 revolution and the February 1917 revolution?

  1. An unsuccessful war disorganised the country and revealed the utter incompetence of the Government
  2. Economic structure of the country collapsed in both cases
  3. Revolution was neither organised or prepared; it merely exploded when the situation became untenable
  4. Mass movement was sparked by food shortages in both cases
  5. IN 1905 a temporary paralysis of the Government's authority had brought into being the Soviet of workmen deputies; and this memory was resurrected by teh Soviets of 1917

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