The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution? - Concessions: October Manifesto

5 important questions on The 1905 revolution and its aftermath - Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution? - Concessions: October Manifesto

What did the Tsar attempt to do in August 1905 to halt the rising revolutionary movement?

Agreed to set-up an elected National Assembly

However, this National Assembly would be... PURELY CONSULTATIVE (meaning the Tsar didn't have to give a flying fish about what it said)

Why, despite the concessions made by the Tsar in August 1905, was the Tsar forced into issuing the October Manifesto?

Because the Tsar's August Concessions gained little acceptance and didn't reduce popular unrest:
  1. September 1905: Printing workers' strike
  2. October: Railway workers' strike; Soviet-organised general strike
  3. As a result communications came to a standstill and government ground to a halt
  4. Moreover, even government staff eg. those in the treasury and state bank, went on strike

Why didn't the Tsar just control the public disorder through repression?

  • Although most of the Tsarist military force remained loyal, the best troops were fighting in the Russo-Japanese War
  • This meant that, there were too few soldiers to control disorder and keep essential services running
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Who in government advised Tsar Nicholas to issue the October Manifesto?

Sergei Witte

What did the October Manifesto grant?

  1. Full civil liberties
  2. constitutional democracy
  3. a State Duma with legislative powers elected by universal manhood suffrage

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