Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Reformers - Growth of 'official' Unions

5 important questions on Causes of the 1905 Revolution - Reformers - Growth of 'official' Unions

Why did Moscow police chief and head of the Okhrana Sergei Zubatov help organise 'official' unions between 1901-1903 and permitted by the minister of Internal Affairs , Plehve?

  1. designed to channel workers' grievances
  2. prevent infiltration of working class by radical socialists

When was Zubatov dismissed by the Russian government?

June 1903

Why was Zubatov dismissed by the Russian government?

Troops had to be sent in to suppress union activities
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What union did priest Father Georgi Gapon organise in 1904?

Assembly of St. Petersburg Factory Workers

Who supported the Assembly of St. Petersburg Factory Workers and what was the membership?

Supported by:
  • Plehve
  • Orthodox Church

Assembly of St. Petersburg Factory workers soon acquired 12 branches and 8000 members.

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