History of IOs - Organs of the LoN

12 important questions on History of IOs - Organs of the LoN

What was the plenary organ of the LoN?

The Assembly - represented all members of the league. It had a broad mandate and
worked as a forum.
➔  “The Assembly may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting peace in the world.” (Art. 3).
  • ➔  It met “at stated intervals from time to time, as occasion may require”(Art.3).

What was a problem in the assembly?

➔  HOWEVER, one of the core aspects of the Assembly’s decision making showed the problematic aspects of it. It was decided mostly by unanimity, which was scrutinised with bias (within the sphere of action).

What were exceptions to the unanimous decision making in the Assembly?

  • ➔  There were some exceptions to this unanimous decision-making, including:
    ◆ Admitting new members (2⁄3majority,Art.1).
    ◆ Election of nonpermanent members of the Council (simple majority, Art.4).
    ◆ Procedural decisions (simple majority,Art.5).
    ◆ Approval of the Secretary-General (simple majority,Art.6).
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What is the executive organ of the Lon? And how often did they meet?

The executive organ of the LoN (Art. 4) that met at least once a year or “as occasion may acquire”. Similar to the present day’s UN Security Council.

What are the councils six permanent members?

It had six permanent members: Great Britain (GB), France and Italy (until 1937), Japan (until 1933), Germany (1926-1933) and the Soviet Union - USSR (1934-1939). This caused some discontent among states who wanted to have a permanent seat as well (e.g. Brazil, Spain).

What are the councils four non-permanent members?

Four non-permanent members were elected by the Assembly “from time to time in its discretion”.

What was done with states that werent in the council, but were discussed during?

“Any member [...] not represented in the Council shall be invited to sit as a member [...] during the consideration of matters specifically affecting the interest of that Member of the League.”

What dealt the concil with? And how did they vote?

  • ➔  “The Assembly may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting peace in the world.” (Art. 4).
  • ➔  Decisions within the Council were also taken by unanimity, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Covenant:
    ◆ Procedural decisions(Art.5).
    ◆ The adoption of a report on an international dispute(Art.15.4).

What type was the council (as type of IOs)

Forum: The Council was seen as a meeting place for the discussion and production of reports, where conflict resolution was done by member states.

What was the permanent secretariat of the LoN?

Led by the Secretary-General, who was appointed by the Council with
the approval of the majority of the Assembly. It consisted of several departments (e.g. finances, disarmament, mandate territories, etc..) with the main task of supporting the work of the Assembly and Council. HOWEVER, it could fulfil this role more or less actively.

What was the permanent court of international justice?

Has existed since 1921, when its statute entered into force. It was seated in Peace Palace in The Hague and consisted of nine judges. The court dealt with approximately 30 cases up until the start of the German occupation in 1940.

What were the committees and agencies of the LoN?

Disarmament Committee, Permanent Mandates Commission, International Labour Organisation (still exists today) and the League of Nations Health Organisations (exists as the WHO today).

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