History of IOs - The League of Nations (LoN)

9 important questions on History of IOs - The League of Nations (LoN)

When was the league of nations found and how was it considered?

At the time of its founding in 1919, the LoN was considered a cosmopolitan success story. HOWEVER, as demonstrated later, this was not the case and some important lessons were learned.

What happened after WW1 icw IOs?

After WWI the old European order and the existing balance of power were destroyed and it
was hoped that IOs would help ensure international peace. The US, as the new hegemonic power, played an active role in offering the inspiration and influential foundation for part of the LoN (e.g. US President Woodrow Wilson’s “14 Points Plan”).

When was the LoNs Covenant (core treaty base) adopted and by who?

The LoN’s Covenant (core treaty base) was adopted by the Allied forces on 29 April 1919 and entered into force following the Treaty of Versailles on 10 January 1920.
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Who did not join the LoN and who created the concrete realization?

Despite the US never being part of the LoN (one of its greatest deficiencies), and Russia and Germany not being members, the concrete realisation came from when Britain, France, Italy and other smaller actors joined.

When & where was the first meeting of the LoN?

The LoN held its first meeting in Switzerland in 1920 with a belief that a new era of IRs was beginning.

Three things after the first LoN meeting (from the general people)

  • ➔  People hoped that the LoN would bring forward open discussion of public opinions while giving both weak and strong countries a voice.
  • ➔  Popular support was used to try and pressure governments to join and use the LoN. Despite this, the World Disarmament Conference was constantly postponed.
  • ➔  Civil societies and individuals played very important roles as actors and pushed for the establishment of a LoN to ensure that another World War would be averted.

What did people see as the priority of the LoN?

  • ●  Many saw the priority as disarmament (get nations to reduce their weapons and hence avert the threat of war).
    ➔ By the early 1920s, Germany was almost completely disarmed.
    ➔ Britain, the US and Japan all agreed to limit the size of their navies.

In what way was self-determination put into practice in the LoN?

  • ●  Self-determination was also put into practice.
    ➔ Some minorities were given the chance to choose which country they wanted to be in.
    ◆ Plebiscites were held in some German regions:
    1. The border of Denmark-Germany, which decided to become Danish.
    2. The Polish-German border, where German speakers were driven
      from their homes and with Poland taking the territory anyway.

Why did Germany feel robbed in the 1920s?

  • ●  Germany felt “robbed” during the 1920s, with:
    • ○  German territories being reduced (e.g. Poland seizing part of Germany).
    • ○  Germany was forced to pay back war reparations that could last until 1989.
    • ○  The German economy becoming crippled by hyperinflation.

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