Hirsutism AND other diseases

18 important questions on Hirsutism AND other diseases

With which serious condition is Hirsutism often associated?

It is usually a sign for PCOS.

Which hormones are imbalanced in Hirsutism?

  • Testosterone
  • DHEA
  • LH
  • ACTH

How can Hypertrichosis be distinguished from Hirsutism?

By performing a dexamethason-suppression test. Hirsutism responds to the dexamethasone test. Hypertrichosis does not.
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Which hormones should be evaluated in the diagnosis for Hirsutism?

  • Testosterone

What causes congenital adrenal hyperplasia?

A defect in the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. This enzyme converts a precursor of glucocorticoids into glucocorticoids.

How is Hirsutism treated?

  • Non-pharmalogical, like shaving and waxing
  • Pharmacological, like estrogen-progestin therapy (contraceptives)

From which cells do stromal tumors arise?

From steriod producing cells.

Where can ovary cancer have it's origin?

  • simple epithelial
  • müllerian epithelial

How can you diagnose for ovarian cancer?

  • By a transvaginal ultrasound
  • Measuring markers like CA-125 en HE-4
  • palpations of adnexal mass

How is ovarian cancer treated?

unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

How do ovarian sex cord tumors present itself?

  • abdominal mass
  • adominal pain due to ovarian torsion/hemorrage
  • hormones excesses

Where is cervical cancer most prevalent?

In eastern Africa

What are the risk factors for cervical cancer?

  • high number of sexual partners
  • age of first intercourse
  • venereal disease

How does cervical cancer present?

by dysplasia of the epithelial surface

How do you diagnose cervical cancer?

  • PAP-smear
  • Postcoital spotting
  • intermenstrual bleeding
  • yellow discharge
  • flank pain

What is the role of estrogen in the development of Uterine Cancer?

Estrogen promotes the division of uterine cells and stimulates spontaneous mutations in uterine cells.

How does uterine cancer present?

  • Post-menstrual vaginal bleeding
  • atypical bleeding

What are te treatment options of uterine cancer?

  • hyterectomy
  • lymph node resection
  • chemo

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