Female sexual development

22 important questions on Female sexual development

What is a follicle?

This is a structure in which the primary oocyte develops.

What are the main contraception methodes?

  • Hormonal
  • Barrier
  • Sterilization
  • IUI

Why should you not use an IUD in complicated female organs.

In case of leiomyoma's as the shape of the uterus is changed.
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Why does a copper IUD promotes menstrual fluids?

As it causes a light case of inflammation because it is a foreign body.

What kinds of oral contraception do you have?

  1. Fixed dose estrogen and progrestin
  2. phasic estrogen-progestin
  3. minipill (estrogen only)

What is the controversy about the new contraceptives?

The might be the cause of Venous ThromboEmbolism.

Name some hormonal contraception side-effects

  • Nausea
  • Weight gain
  • Dizziness
  • Decreased libido
  • Flushing
  • Irritability
  • Depression

What are the benefits of the hormonal contraception?

  • decreased risk of ovarian cancer
  • promotion of bone formation

Why can the NovaRing have a low dose of hormones but can still be effective?

This is because it bypasses the portal system in the anterior pituitary as it is implemented to the cervix.

How is infertility evaluated?

  • the timing of intercourse
  • semen analysis
  • confirmation of ovulation
  • stress management

How is ovarian dysfunction evaluated?

  • ovarian reserve
  • antral follicle count
  • inhibin B
  • AMH

How can tubal diseases be evaluated?

  • hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
  • laparascopy
  • chlamydia

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

  • dysparenoida
  • dysmenorrhea

Why are the primordial follicles in quiescence during childhood?

This is because the hypothalamic receptors for Inhibin and other inhibitory signals are rather sensitive.

What is the zona pelludica?

This is the transparant zone of cells around the oocyte.

Which hormone causes the primary follicle to become a secondary follicle?


What causes the LH surge in Graaffian follicle?

The increase in LH receptors due to increased FSH stimulation.

As the fetus develops, the GnRH secreting cells are starting to produce GnRH. What causes the suppressed secretion of sex hormones in the fetus?

High Dosi of estradiol and progesterone made in the placenta.

What causes the sudden rise in Gonadotropic hormones just after birth?

The removal of the placenta which produced high dosi of estradiol and progesterone.

Which hormones are core to the corpus luteum?

  • estradiol
  • progesterone
  • 17-OHP
  • hCG

What are the two forms of procociuos puberty?

  • central
  • peripheral

How do you treat peripheral procociuos puberty?

By administering aromatase blockers.

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