Male sexual development

21 important questions on Male sexual development

What is the real mark of the start of puberty in males?

The first rise of testosterone serum levels since quiesence in childhood.

What is phenotypic sex?

The periferal and behavioural forms determining the sex of an individual.

What do Sertoli cells produce (hormone)?

Spermatozoïden and AMH
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Which androgen stimulates recession of the hairline?


What is the minimal accepted respons in a GnRH stimulation test?

LH should increase twofold and FSH for 50%

What does high LH in a FSH/LH measurement mean?

A primary defect at testicular level.

What does high FSH in a FSH/LH measurement mean?

Damage to the seminefirous tubules (low Inhibin)

When should you perform a testicular biopsy?

in oligo/azoospermia

Where are the high concentrations of gonadothropin in delayed puberty coming from?

From a problem in the gonads.

Why should you combine testosterone suppletion with aromatase blockers in the treatment of delayed puberty?

To prevent epiphysial closure by estradial.

What is good diagnostic for a partial hypogonadism?

Measuring the pulse freq/amplitude of LH. When it is disturbed than you have got partial hypogonadism.

What is the treatment of hemochromatosis?

Bloodletting (aderlating)

What is the difference between a germinomatous tumor and a seminomatous tumor?

Germinomatous tumors are made of germ cells. Which means that men and women can have them. seminomatous tumors are male-only and come from sperm.

What does the stage of tumor tell you?

It gives insight in the chances of survival and treatment.

In which hormone is testosterone converted by 5a-...ase?


Which hormone in the HPA-axis produced by the testes inhibits FSH selectively?

Inhibin B

How long does it take for a germ cell to become a fully mature sperm cell?

95 days

Where is the epidydimis located?

On top of the testes, cranially

Which hormone is more potent: DHT or testosterone?

DHT is more potent.

How do you call the entrance to puberty by the adrenal glands?

The adrenarge

Which hormone marks the beginning of puberty in male?


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