
18 important questions on Neurohypohysis

Which hypothalamic cells regulate the neurosecretion of hormones interacting with PRL and GH?

The cells of the arcuate nucleus.

Is oxytocin necessary for maternal delivery?

No it is not, it helps

What are the four pillars of homeostatic systems?

  1. signals
  2. transducers
  3. receptors
  4. responders
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What is the mechanism of action of NGF?

NGF binds to two different receptor at the cellmembrane and activates an intracellular cascade which promotes protein synthesis.

Which phases does the cell division cycle has?

  • G0 - resting state
  • G1  - getting ready for DNA synthesis
  • S    - DNA synthesis
  • G2 - Waiting for Division
  • D    - Division

How is prenatal growth evaluated?

By measuring the concentration of maternal unconjugated estriol.

How can GH deficiency in adults be characterized?

  • abnormal body composition
  • abnormalities of metabolism
  • lowered mood
  • poor self-esteem
  • anxiety
  • social isolation
  • poor quality of life

What happens with the production of oxytocin when you touch a nipple?

The production will be increased due to positive feedback from the breast.

What seems to be the function of neurophysins?

They seem to guide the oxytocin through the neural axon to the neurohypophysis.

Which G-protein coupled system is activated by oxytocin on the target cells?

The inositol thriphosphate system

Which subtype of vasopressin receptor is mostly seen in the kidneys?

Type 2A, disfunction of this type results in nephrogenic DI.

Where in the renal tubes are the VA2A receptors located?

In the loop of Henle and the collecting ducts

What effect does vasopressin have on TSH and ACTH?

On TSH it has a stimulating effect, whereas it seems to inhibit TRH release
On ACTH it has a stimulating effect

What is the cascade of Vasopressin when you notice low BV?

  • stimulation by baroreceptors
  • secretion
  • vasoconstriction
  • rise in BP and BV

Which Vasopressin receptor is responsible for the Cardiovascular response?

This are the V1 receptors

What is the action of the sympathetic system on the constrictive influences of Vasopressin?

It dampenes/decreases the action of vasopressin

How can you distinguish between pituitary, nephrogenic or central diabetes insipidus?

By measuring the responsiveness of ADH to a water deprivation test.
If the person reacts to ADH injection you have got central ADH. IF it doesn't respond you have got Nephrogenic ADH.

With which system does Vasopressin work together in maintaining blood volume and blood pressure?

The renin-angiotension system, as this system responds to low BP.

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