How we plug in - Other innovations

5 important questions on How we plug in - Other innovations

What does capturing carbon mean?

  • We could keep making electricity as we do now, but suck up the carbon dioxide before it hits the atmosphere is called "carbon capture".

Carbon capture involves installing special devices at fossil-fuel plants to absorb emissions, namely "point capture". What is the downside of point capture?

  • Point capture capture are expensive to buy and operate, and they capture only 90% of the greenhouse gases, so power companies don't gain anything from installing them.

The technology called Direct Air Capture (DAC), involves capturing carbon directly from the air. What is the advantage of DAC over point capture?

  • DAC is more flexibel than capture, becuase you can do it anywhere.       
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DAC (Direct Air Capture) - a technology what captures caron directly from the air- is a bigger technical challenge than point capture, why is that?

  • This is because of the low concentration of carbon dioxide in the air.

Bill Gates used to scoff at the notion that using power more efficiently would make a dent in climate change, what his rationale now?

  • If  you have limited resources to reduce emissions, then you'd get the biggest impact by moving to zero emissions rather than by spending a lot trying to reduce the demand for energy.

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