How we plug in - Storing electricity

4 important questions on How we plug in - Storing electricity

Bill Gates met an investor that's working on a battery that used liquid metals in stad of the solid metals employed in tradition batteries. What is the advantage of liquid metal?

  • Litquid metal lets you store and deliver much more energy very quickly: exactly what you need to power an entire city.

Some investors Bill Gates met are working on "flow batteries". What are "flow batteries"?

  • This involve storing fluids in separate tanks and then generating electricity by pumping the fluids together.

"Pumped hydro" is a method of storing city-sized amounts of energy, how does this work?

  • When electricity is cheap, you pump water up a hill intro a reservoir: then, when the demand for power goes up, you let the water flow back down the hill, using it to spin a turbine and generate more electricity.
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What does "thermal storage" entail?

  • When electricity is cheap, you can use is to heap up some material. When you need more electricity, you use the heat to generate power via a heat engine.

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