Why government policies matter - Mind the Investment Gap

4 important questions on Why government policies matter - Mind the Investment Gap

Can you explain the reason that microwaves are currently a lot cheaper if you compare it to 1955?

  • It was immediately clear to consumers that microwaves could heat up food in a fraction of time; it was immediately sold a lot, which made it cheaper.

How much do companies spend in the energy business on their revenue on energy R&D (Research & Development) if you compare it to electronics and pharmaceutical industries?

  • Companies in the energy business spend an average of just 0.3% of their revenue on energy R&D while the electronics and pharmaceutical industries spend 10% and 13%.

What, according to Bill Gates, is the government's role in the investment in R&D (Research & Development)?

  • Government's have to invest in R&D when the private sector can't see how it will make money, because the private sector will only start invest if it becomes clear how a company can make money.
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What, according to Bill Gates, are two benefits of investing in R&D (research & development)?

  • 1) It can help create business in one country that export their product to others;
  • 2) It is most effective when you pair it with demand-side incentives;

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