A plan for getting to zero - Federal Government

4 important questions on A plan for getting to zero - Federal Government

The. U.S. Government is the biggest funder and performer of energy research and development, which tools does it use for managing the direction and pace of energy research and development (R&D)?

  • Research grants, loan programs, tax incentives, laboratory facilities, pilot programs, public-private partnerships, and more;

What is the role of the federal government in driving the demand for green products and policies?

  • It helps fund roads and bridges built by state and local governments;
  • It regulates cross-state infrastructure;
  • It helps set the rules for multistate electricity and fuel markets;
  • It collects most tax revenue, so federal financial incentives will be the most effective at driving change;

What is the role of the federal government in scaling up new technolgies?

  • It regulates interstate commerce and has primary authority over international trade and investment policy;
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What, according to Bill Gates, two important things need to be done by federal government in the plan for getting to zero?

  • 1) the amount of money invested in getting to zero, and adapting to the damage that we know is comming, will need to ramp up for the long haul;
  • 2) the time frames for climate investment are long, and the risks are high, which means the public sector should be using its financial strength to lengthen the incestment horizon and reduce the risk of these investments;

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