Five questions to ask in every climate conversation - How much is this going to cost?

8 important questions on Five questions to ask in every climate conversation - How much is this going to cost?

What is the main reason that the world emits so much greenhouse gases?

  • Our current energy technologies are the cheapest ones available, which means that if we want to get zo zero, it will cost something.

Can you explain why most of the zero-carbon solutions are more expensive than their fossil-fuels counterparts?

  • The prices of fossil fuels don't reflect the environmental damage they inflict, so they seem cheaper than the alternative.

The size of the Green Premium depends on what you're replacing and what you're replacing it with. The cost of zero-carbon jet fuel isn't the same as the cost of solar-generated electricity. How can you explain this?

  • For an example = the average retail price for a gallon of jet fuel in the U.S is $2.22. Advanced biofuels for jets, to the extent they're available, cost on average $5.35 per gallon. The Green Premium for zero-carbon fuel, is the difference btween these two prices, which is $3.13: a premium of more than 140%.
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Green Premium can be negative, which means that green can be cheaper than fossil fuels. How can you explain this?

  • In some places, you can save moning by replacing natural gas furnance and air conditioner with an electric heat pump.
    • For an example = In Oakland, doing this will save 14% of heating and cooling costs, while in Houston the savings amount to 17%.

The different premiums, help us answer various questions. How can you answer the question: "Which zero-carbon options should we deploying now?"

  • The ones with a low Green Premium, or no premium at all.

The different premiums, help us answer various questions. How can you answer the question: "Where do we need to focus our research and development spending, our early investors, and our best inventors?"

  • Wherever Green Premiums are too high, because the extra cost there will keep us from decarbonizing, and where there's an opening for new technologies, companies and products that make it affordable.

Green Premium can act as a measurement system that shows the progress we're making toward stopping climate change, what does it show?

  • The Green Premiums gives information about measuring the cost of getting to zero, and shows us where we need to innovate.

DAC would be an extremely inefficient method for solving the carbon problem, why is that?

  • It's not clear that we could store carbons safely: there's no practical way to collect $5.1 trillion a year and make everyone pays their fair share.
  • We'd need to build more than 50,000 DAC plant to manage the emissions we're producing.
  • DAC doesn't work on methane or other greenhouse gases, but only on carbon dioxide.
  • It's the most expensive solution: in many cases, it will be cheaper not to emit greenhouse gases.
  • We can't wair for a future technology like DAC to save us, we have to start now.

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