4 important questions on IGO'S NGOS

How are IGOs classified according to membership, competencies, functions, authority of decision making and degree of consensus? Give one example for each type.

· Open Membership​ (Anybody can join the UN)
· Restricted Membership​ (Australia can’t join the EU, because it does not belong to the continent.) Not everybody can join, because you need to be in the region to join. ​Ex. NATO
· Competencies ​(​Comprehensive, ​it does a lot like the UN and the EU​.)
· Limited (​an IGO that does only one thing;
· Functions;

What are the main tasks of an IGO?

-Programme Organisations
-Operational Organisations

What are the authorities of decision-making?

1. ​Program Organizations​ (these are the types that tell each other what they can and cannot do in international organizations. Gives us the rules of the game Ex. The ​UN
2. ​Operational Organizations ​(They check if the states or actors follow the rules. Ex: The World Bank, the IMF, the IAEA, the OPCW) ​Abide by the rules
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What are the degrees of Consensus?

IGO - Unanimity ​(A country that joins is completely sovereign)
Supranational ​- Qualified Majority (simply a matter of giving)How can you persuade a country to join (Shaming through peer pressure) How IGOs working through unanimity do I

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