Immunological Memory and Vaccination

9 important questions on Immunological Memory and Vaccination

What happens with B cells in a secondary response?

Memory B cells are re-activated whereas naive B cells are inhibited --> naïve B cells die when IgG binds to the Fcy receptor and IgM is present

How does immune-complex mediated inhibition of naive cells prevent hemolytic anemia of a newborn?

a mother gets anti-Rh IgG when she is pregnant and has a rhesus positive fetus, so that her naive B cells are inactivated

What causes the immunological memory to erode, especially in the influenza virus?

Through mutations more epitopes are produced making it harder to recognize for the memory cells
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What type of tissue resident memory T cells are there?

1. Tcm: between blood, sec. lymphoid and lymph
2. Tem: through the whole body
3. Trm: through non-lymphoid tissue

What are adjuvants in vaccines?

something toxic that is added to a vaccination so an inflammatory is induced

How is long-lived memory achieved by B and T cells?

Long-lived memory in the B cell compartment is largely due to the longevity of plasma cells in the bone marrow.

Long-lived memory in the T cell compartment is due to the renewal of T cells in the circulation.

Which cell type would result in the fastest response to a respiratory viral re-infection?


Expression of what molecule would definitively identify a naïve T cell?

CD45RA for naive T cell (and CD45RO is for memory/effector CD4 T cell)

Which isotype of antibody is almost always produced at a lower level during a secondary response compared to a primary response?


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