Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunity

4 important questions on Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunity

How can the adaptive immune system be activated during a bacterial infection?

This goes via the dendritic cells, these cells recognize PAMP at the site of infection and the display of the antigen via the MHC-peptide complex. They move to the blood and lymph system were they encounter the cells of the adaptive immune system where it can activate T helper cells.

What is the difference in MHC presentation between intracellular and extracellular bacteria?

Intracellular bacteria (salmonella, mycobacterium tuberculosis) are mostly presented via MHC-I presentation while extracellular bacteria (Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus) are presented via MHC-II presentation.

What are important PAMPS in bacterial infections?

The important pamp is the upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules, CD40, CD80 and CD86.
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Where do the dendritic cells travel to to activate the adaptive immunity?

They travel to the secondary lymphatic organs such as the lympnodes where they present their antigen via MHC-II to the naive T-cells

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