Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunerespons - T-cells

9 important questions on Adaptive immunity general information - Adaptive immunerespons - T-cells

Which three signals are needed for the activation of naïve T-cells?

1. TCR recognize the MHC complex with the antigen on the dendritic cells.  
2. Then Co-stimulation of the T-cell by the CD80/CD86of the dendritic cells that binds to CD28 on the T-cells.
3. Cytokine signals produced by the dendritic cells.

What is the most important function of the lymph nodes, spleen and the MALT?

In these secondary lymphoid organs, there are distinct B-cells and T cells zones and are thus the places where the T-cells and T-cells are meeting with each other and mostly the place where the adaptive immune system is activated.

What can Th1 cells do against bacteria?

Th1 cells can stimulate macrophages by producing IFN-gamma which enhances the nitric oxide pathway.
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What can Th17 cells do against bacteria?

They produce IL17 and IL22 which recruited neutrophils and induction of anti-microbial peptides.

What can Tfh cells do?

They can give B-cells help in producing IgG and thus helps with the opsonization of microbes.

Which cytokines to the Th1, Th17 and Tfh cells need to differentiate?

- Th1: IFN-gamma and IL12
- Th17: TFG-b, IL-6 and IL23
- TFH: IL-6

Which microbes does the Th1 target?

Microbes that persist in macrophages vesicles

Which microbes does the Tfh cells target?

All types

What is the difference between T depended antigen and T independent antigen?

T-dependent antigens require the assistance of T cells to mount an immune response, resulting in a stronger and more specific immune response. T-independent antigens can activate B cells without the help of T cells, leading to a weaker and less specific immune response. T-dependent antigens typically produce memory B cells and long-lasting immunity, while T-independent antigens do not induce memory B cells efficiently.

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