Defence against virusses

7 important questions on Defence against virusses

What starts immediately after a virus enters the body?

  • The production of IFN-a, IFNb, TNFa which all have a antiviral response
  • Production of IL12 that activates NK cells

Which cells of the innate immune system play a role in the defense against a viral infection?

  • NK cells
  • ILCs
  • Macrophage

Which group of innate lymphoid cells are important in the defense against a virus and what do they do?

Group 1 ILC play a role in the defense against viruses, and they amplify the defense of the innate immune system.
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What is the function of macrophages in the defense against viruses?

o Phagocytosis and killing of virus-infected cells.
o Production of TNFa, nitric oxide and IFNa.

Which toll-like receptors recognizes viruses?

TLR-3: recognizes double stranded RNA viruses.
TLR 7 & 8 : single stranded RNA
TLR 9: DNA with unmethylated herpesviruses

How can cells recognize virus RNA that mostly have single-stranded RNA which is also a normal component of healthy mammalian cells?

That is because in healthy cells it is only present in the nucleus and cytoplasm and is not present in the endosomes which is when there is an infection with RNA.

What is the function of FasL?

Fas Ligand (FasL) are members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor. The ligation of Fas with FasL will results in the activation of a caspase cascade that initiate apoptosis.

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