Tumorimmunity - Fighting tumours

6 important questions on Tumorimmunity - Fighting tumours

How can you fight off cancer with the use of antibodies?

When you have a tumor-specific antibody it can bind to the tumor cells. This will result in attraction of NK cells that bind with their Fc receptor. Therefore, the NK cell is activated and can induce apoptosis in the cell (ADCC).

How can you fight of cancer with the use of a Fag fragment (antigen binding fragment of antibody)?

Fag fragment specific for tumor antigen with a conjugated toxin. This can bind to the tumor cell. When the tumor cell internalizes the Fag fragment it dyes of the toxin on the fag fragment (ADCs: antibody drug conjugate)

Use fag fragment conjugated to a radionuclide?

Fag fragments specific for tumor antigen with conjugated radionuclide can bind to the tumor cell and the radiation that fragment has kills the tumor cells and neighboring tumor cells. Therefore, you can very locally kill tumor cells.
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How can Adoptive T cell therapy be used to treat cancer?

Take out T cells from the patient, select right one, and then grown in bulk to re-introduce it into the patient to kill the tumor.

How can CAR (chimeric Antigen Receptor) T-cells used to treat cancer (adoptive NK cells therapy)?

1. T cells are harvested from the blood of a patient with a B-cell tumor
2. A retrovirus encoding an antiCD19 CAR infect T cells that are activated with antibodies to CD3 and CD28
3. Infected T cells express an anti-CD19 CAR
4. T cells are infused into a patient to mediate antitumor activity
5. Anti-CD19 CAR chimeric receptor can directly to the CD19 and be activated without the MHC presentation.
 normally CD19 should have been injected and presented via dendritic cells etc. etc. now it fast.

How can checkpoints inhibitors be used to fight of tumors?

Checkpoints inhibitors interfere with the negative signaling and thus prevent blocking of the immune cell activation of PD-1 or anti-CTLA4. The immune cells are activated and can eliminate the cancer cells. These can be given to a person via medicines.

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