Defence against bacteria

8 important questions on Defence against bacteria

Which type of responses are important in elimination of bacteria?

  • Type 1 intracellular bacteria
  • Type 3 extracellular bacteria

What are the most important cells in the type 1 response?

  • group 1 ILCs
  • Th1 cells
  • opsonizing IgG antibodies
  • Macrophages.

What are the most important cells in the type 3 response?

  • Group 3 ILCs
  • Th17 cells,
  • opsonizing IgG antibodies
  • Neutrophils.
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What happens when the body encounters the antigen for a second time?

  • There is a shorter lag-period
  • There are high levels of antibody and primarily IgG
  • Higher affinity of the antibody to the specific antigen

What does the bacteria do to establish an infection?

  • Adhere to the epithelial surface and colonise
  • Penetrate to replicate in the tissue when physical barriers are broken

What does the bacteria encounter first when physical bariers are breached?

Chemical barriërs: Mucosal surfaces with anti microbial proteins such as defensins and lysozymes

Which PRR are there to recognize the bacteria?

  • C-type lectin family recognize the microbial sugars
  • Scavenger receptors recognize the cell wall and lipids.
  • NOD-like receptors recognize the intracellular peptidoglycans.
  • Multiple toll-like receptors.
  • fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLF) receptor

What are the three main function of an inflammation reaction?

  1. Destroy invading microbe
  2. Induce local blood clotting to reduce the spread of infection through the bloodstream
  3. Repair injured tissue

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